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Lou Gramm

Rock Metal Machine
Vocal Point

Lou Gramm, best known for his time in Foreigner, Shadow King and his solo work expands on his singing career and what the future holds with regard to new music and live gigs.

Who were your influences in the early days and have you always wanted to be a singer in a band?

I played drums early on but I always loved to sing. As far as influences are concerned I would say Paul Rodgers, John Lennon, Steve Marriot and Steve Winwood.

Have you ever auditioned for the vocal spot in any other notable bands?

No, not at all.

Do you have a favourite song or album from your back catalogue?

I love Foreigner 4 and Shadow King.

Have you any plans to release another solo album?

Yes, and it should be out this fall.

Some vocalists are on strict dietary regimes or gargle with special liquids. How have you kept your voice in tip-top shape all these years?

No smoking for the last thirty years, no drinking, and I perform extensive vocal warmups before doing shows.

I was going to ask about the possibility of performing gigs in the UK but I guess you’ve retired from touring…or have you?

I am retiring from touring at the end of this year.

Are there any musicians that you have not worked with, but would like to in the future?

In that area I think I’m good.

Many, including myself enjoyed the Shadow King album. Is there any material recorded around this time that could be released?

There will be 2 or 3 songs on my new album that were written around that time.

Have you or would you consider producing other bands?

I have not, but that aspect of music still interests me.

What do you enjoy on your downtime away from music?

I enjoy being with my children and my muscle cars! [laughs]

Do you have anything else in the pipeline at the moment that you can share?

Only that I’m releasing a new album (may be my last) this fall and I’m very excited about it!


Interview by Stuart Dryden



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