Leon Winteringham, a new kid on the block has released two albums of sublime Melodic Rock under the moniker of The LRW Project and here he expands on his singing career and what the future holds with regard to new music and live gigs.
So firstly, you’re in your thirties, so why now? Why have you decided to record music and put out a couple of albums?
I actually put out my first album ‘To Love, Repeat & Wonder?’ when I was 29 (cheeky imp!). It was a goal of mine to put one out before I hit 30 (I had my second album fully recorded before turning 30 too but the pandemic held back that release until 2021 when I was 31) - The reason behind putting out the initial album was to prove a point to myself that I could! I self-released it too which is just as much of an achievement looking back! I was so lucky that people picked up on it and actually liked what I was doing as I didn’t tell a soul until release day!
To our readers, how would you best describe your musical style?
I’ve been compared to some of my idols…Richard Marx, John Waite, Bryan Adams etc (I beg to differ and think I’m closer in comparison with Christian Burns of BBMak but I’ll take the compliment)
On your albums do you play all the instruments and produce the final product?
Yes to all the above to an extent. All the writing, programming of drums, playing of instruments, singing and then demoing is done by me and then I would take the bed of the songs to the studio and rework the guitars and vocals to more fit my vision as I really hate recording myself singing! It’s much better to be behind the mic just focusing on that one thing rather than singing and hitting record, but future projects I am pushing myself to learn and do even more myself just from a cost standpoint
Are all the songs written by yourself?
On my ‘The LRW Project’ albums yes. I helped write some stuff on the latest ISSA album (Another World) with Tom and James Martin though and I also produced the Japan track on that album too.
How has the feedback been from music buyers and the press with regards to your albums?
Unbelievable! Like I say…I didn’t even hype up the first album and it sold really well and got really good reviews and airplay. I think I read two negative things in that whole album one phase! Album two the same! I honestly cannot complain and hope future stuff goes down just as well.
Who are your influences and have you always wanted to be a singer?
I listen to a lot of CCM, AOR & Pop so make of that what you will. One day I could be listening to Michael W Smith the next could be Muna or FM! A really broad scope I listen to but they all have Melodic melody in common which is all I care about in a song.
Have you ever auditioned for the vocal spot in any notable bands?
If and when I do something it would be from the ground up rather than to join something with a past.
Do you have a favourite song from your albums?
Album number two ‘Fight & Climb’ I was very pleased with as a whole but ‘Just for Nothing’ is probably one of my faves if not ‘Back to Life’ (I sang my arse off on that album and I think it’s very noticeable between the two albums).
Some vocalists are on strict dietary regimes or gargle with special liquids. How do you keep your voice in tip top shape?
Just for demoing I wouldn’t use anything as I’m not aiming for an amazing vocal but in the studio I would use a mixture of Vocal Zones, Vocal Tubes (Which are like a rubber tube you pop in water and hum scales through) and I’ve used steamers ala Dr. Nelsons Inhaler. I have just bought a new contraption too called Better Voice so let’s see if that lives unto its name!
Speaking to you recently you indicated that although you had not done any live performances you were keen to rectify this, is this still the case?
This is a tough one…pre-lockdown when all systems were a go and had that never happened I honestly think I’d have done a handful of shows. Now because I haven’t put anything out of my own in three years I feel like a fraudster so I suppose let’s see what Album number 3 brings. If people like it then maybe I’ll do something. I’m not certain it would be a tour mind but let’s see?
Are there any musicians that you have not worked with, but would like to in the future?
Working with a real drummer would be amazing! Too many to name names but just having a full live sound on record would be the dream, again with a producer and mastering engineer. Having just bought a house I don’t think my budget will stretch much further than a pack of strings at the moment 😊
Have you or would you consider producing other bands?
I would love to! Working on all the Nitrate, Crazy Lixx and ISSA stuff really gave me an itch to learn more. I intend on doing every aspect of my own stuff going forward so let that be a walking advert to future artists of what I can potentially do for them!
Are you going to continue as a solo artist or are you actively seeking to join a band?
I’ll no doubt put out an ‘The LRW Project’ album every few years if life lets me (it’s been hectic these past 3 years working and saving for a house) and as far as a band…I’d love to do something synth-wave one day a bit like The Midnight or LeBrock.
Do you have anything else in the pipeline at the moment that you can share?
I’ve been doing a few bits on a Tom and James Martin project that they’re work
ng on (I can’t say too much) which I believe is out early 2025. With myself I’m well underway with The LRW Project Album number 3 which I’d love to put out sometime next year but as I’ve said above, I intend on doing everything myself on this one except the mastering.
Interview by Stuart Dryden