My word, this is fantastic. ‘Rise Above It All’? With this quality, they certainly rise above many of the competition.

Yes, this is The Georgia Thunderbolts’ second full album. Have a listen and then read on... yes, difficult to believe, isn’t it? This has quality some bands struggle to accrue after ten albums. However, here it is.
Starting with the seventies Country Rocking goodness of ‘Gonna Shine’, that gently intrusive chorus works extremely well, the organ scuffing along. It toughens up on the power-chords for ‘Rock And Roll Record’ though, the piano in the simmering verse reminiscent of late Paul Rodgers-era Bad Company, until a startling solo rears up, anyway.
The title track is huge hot Rock, the baby Blues stomper ‘Ain’t Got No Money’ comes with fine electric joanna embellishment, there’s the slow Blues anguish of ‘Crawling My Way Back To You’, plus the easy wander of ‘Little Jim’, which becomes bigger as it stands over you later on – all these are fabulous.
Then that funky, rolling Southern Rock with Country ‘Whiskey Talkin’’, running straight into the jogging, jigging, juicy closer ‘Pricetag’.
My word, this is fantastic. ‘Rise Above It All’? With this quality, they certainly rise above many of the competition.
Reviewer: Steve Swift
Label: Mascot Label Group
Genre: Southern/Country/Folk
Issue Reviewed In: 108
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