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Jaime Kyle - Blast From The Past (Oct 2022)

Rock Metal Machine

Jaime Kyle
Jaime Kyle
The musicians who got involved after that point have elevated the music. I recorded most of it in my studios: one in Nashville, Wires In The Attic, and Pacific View in California. If I’d released it back then all these wonderful, creative people would not have been involved.

After being away from the recording scene for the best part of a quarter of a century (since her ‘Untangled’ release in 1999), Jaime Kyle is finally releasing a new album, ‘Wild One’. Originally supposed to have been released a year and a half ago, the interim has been put to good use with new songs written and recorded, and new musicians added to make it even better than it was before. Fireworks sat down for a chat with the Kentucky born, but Nashville/ California resident.

The first question obviously has to be why the long delay?

“When I look back and listen to what the album was when I started out, it was a gem, but just the beginning of what was to come. I opened myself up to changes and directions and went with what my gut said. It just wasn’t ready. The musicians who got involved after that point have elevated the music. I recorded most of it in my studios: one in Nashville, Wires In The Attic, and Pacific View in California. If I’d released it back then all these wonderful, creative people would not have been involved. Since then I’ve had a host of well-known musicians come in and I think the extra waiting time is well worth it.”

Ah yes, Jaime has got herself quite a collection of well-known guitarists involved, and she is only too happy to tell us about each one.

“Howard Leese is a Rock legend who has played with Heart, and Bad Company with Paul Rodgers... enough said. Those legendary signature licks, like ‘Barracuda’, stay with you all your life once you’ve heard them! Heart had recorded a song I co-wrote called ‘Stranded’. Howard and I became friends and I co-wrote a couple of songs with him that he produced for Heaven And Earth and ‘The Vine’, with Jimi Jamison singing for his [Howard’s] solo album. I was at a Pablo Cruise concert and Howard showed up; I was so excited to see him. He told me he’d retired, and I said I really wanted him to play on my new album; I felt I’d missed my chance of him ever playing on my songs. He said, ‘Send me a song, I’ll do it’. It was ‘Dirty Goodbye’; he loved it and thought it rocked. He said he would do signature licks in-between my vocals like he did with Ann Wilson. When I got it back I was knocked out. I could hear familiar bits of ‘Magic Man’ and new signature licks that define his part on ‘Dirty Goodbye’. He came out of retirement for a day! A highlight for sure!”

“Bernie Marsden is a legendary British Blues Rock player known as a founding member of Whitesnake and for co-writing the mega hit ‘Here I Go Again’. While having a #1 album recently for his own record, he has played with some of the greatest Rock n’ Roll musicians of all time. ‘Not About Love’ was recorded already and stood on its own without guitar, but I felt moved to ask if Bernie would play on it. He loved the song and played some beautiful Blues guitar parts that take it in a different direction; it fits perfectly. His gentle touch proves to be powerful. I think this song is going to make some noise. Bernie’s a national treasure and I’m grateful to have him guesting.”

“Dave Jenkins is singer/guitar player and co-writer with Cory Lerios for Pablo Cruise: ‘Whatcha Gonna Do When She Says Goodbye’ and ‘Love Will Find A Way’ are a couple of his iconic solos. Dave’s a melodic player with soul and groove for days. Not only did he play guitar, but he played a lot of the bass parts on the record. He knows where the pocket is and his melodies haunt you... I love a melodic guitar player and bass player. We also do a duet together on ‘Perfect Love’, a song that he wrote; I felt compelled to add it to the album. It’s the only song I’ve ever recorded on my albums that I didn’t write, it sizzles with sexy lyrical interplay between Dave and myself... I guess that’s why we’re married!”

“Luke Morley is a songwriter, producer and guitar player for Thunder, and he played on ‘Wild One’. We were never 100% happy with our recording of it and felt there was something missing. Being so close to the song, it’s hard to be objective about the arrangement, so I asked Luke if he would take a shot at it. In between shows he laid down some tracks and sent them back. Since ‘Wild One’ was such a huge hit for Faith Hill, it was hard to find anybody that could take it in a different direction without it losing its melodic sense and familiarity. How lucky am I that Luke played an additional part in doing that? The track is motivated by his part and gives it a noticeable edge. He and Dave weave throughout the song and I love it!”

“Adam Shoenfeld has played on forty- five #1 songs in Modern Country. This guy is truly special; you never know what to expect from him. That’s what I like about him, he’s not predictable in any way and he can play anything. ‘Broken’ is a moody wash of emotions about being hurt by someone and how it changes you... very visual. Then there’s ‘Happy Town’, a feel good, trippy song that is infectious and reminiscent of something from the past. Musically it’s comfy, familiar, puts a smile on your face and makes you wanna dance, forget your troubles...”

The first time I heard him play I knew I wanted to collaborate with him, you don’t forget him once you’ve heard him.

“Kris Barras... with the Kris Barras Band and The Supersonic Blues Machine with Billy Gibbons is on the list of ‘The 17 Best Blues Guitarists in the World’. The Kris Barras Band is one of the best bands in the UK. The first time I heard him play I knew I wanted to collaborate with him, you don’t forget him once you’ve heard him. Kris drove “Driving With The Brakes On’, he lights up the track with fiery guitar licks throughout. It’s like you’re driving on the edge of a cliff, sliding on twists and turns, you feel at any moment you could go over the edge. Your body can’t be still while listening to the song. I have to thank you for contacting Kris and having him play!”

“Chris Pelcer is an Australian writer, producer and player who played guitar on ‘Kiss Dirt’ and ‘Body Of Gold’, as well as bass on ‘Wild One’. He’s a creative genius and one of my best friends. He plays whatever he feels. I never know what he’s thinking and that’s the beauty about his creativity. We live near each other so creating together a lot is fun.”

“Jerry McPherson has played on all my albums. He’s one of those guys that can pull a rabbit out of his hat. He plays electric on ‘Perfect Love’ and some additional guitars on ‘Dirty Goodbye’. When we were recording ‘Perfect Love’ we were out of studio time and he wanted to play it several more times because he was really into it; you know you’ve got something when a studio guy wants to keep going. He has played on hits with Kelly Clarkson, Tim McGraw, Ann Wilson, Vince Gill, Faith Hill (‘Breathe’), Don Henley and more.”

“I played guitar on the album as well. On ‘Blue Night’ and ‘Change’... the rest of the album is mostly electric guitar.”

Jaime talks about Kris Barras playing on ‘Driving With The Brakes On’, a track that was originally laid down by a her husband Dave Jenkins. While this does make eminent sense for the European market, one wonders if it ever caused any friction between them, or was everyone just looking at the bigger picture and what was best for the album? As Jaime explains:

“The original guitar was just a work in progress; it wasn’t Dave’s final guitar. He and I both wanted Kris Barras to play on the song. Dave is playing on plenty of the songs on the album. He’s a world- class player and is a fan of Kris’s guitar work – Dave actually plays bass on ‘Driving With The Brakes On’. The art comes first, it doesn’t affect our relationship; we both want what’s best... and it is my album!” [Laughs]

Compared to her debut, ‘The Passionate Kind’, this time around the songs are quite varied, covering quite a few bases. There’s Rock, Country, Singer/Songwriter, Acoustic... Jaime discusses her thoughts on this:

“This album definitely has a Blues Rock influence. I write what comes to me and I go with that; I was purposely stretching myself. I don’t set limits on where my writing takes me. Vocally it was fun! I’m screaming my guts out on ‘Lie’ and quietly plaintive on ‘Blue Night’; I do love dynamics. So, there you go. And what is Country anymore? Not your momma’s Country, for sure. There are some fun things on the album as well. I’ve always liked songs that I could sing along with. I think you can sing along with me on a lot these songs. I’ve caught myself singing along at red lights and people are looking at me funny because I’m having fun! That’s what I want to see, people in their cars singing with me and rocking out!”

As Jaime has been out in the USA playing quite a few shows, especially supporting Pablo Cruise, what does the audience think?

“The reaction has been great, incredibly positive! I’ve been playing live a lot recently. Even when I present these songs by myself, I still get a great audience reaction because they hold up on their own. It’s been inspirational and certainly uplifting.”

One of the funnier moments in recent months was when she was mistaken for a former Miss America; Jaime takes up the story:

“We got a text from a friend Bob Nunn, who actually helped fund a lot of the record. He said he was on AOL and this picture scrolled across the top; it was in their news section. He sent us a screen shot and he said, ‘Is this you and Jaime?’ It said, ‘Shawn Weatherly former Miss America/Miss Universe and Chip Harris’, but the picture was of Dave and me. We were like, ‘What!!’ As it happens, Dave is a founding member/singer/guitar player for Pablo Cruise and they played the ‘Baywatch Reunion’ in Los Angeles, so I went along with him as a guest. We were sitting down and a guy came up and said, ‘Can I take your picture?’ We said ‘Sure’, so we walked over to the red carpet backdrop and he took our picture... and that was the picture! So then I look it up further and apparently I was in a US magazine as ‘where are they now?’ A picture of Shawn Weatherly as she was on a season of Baywatch and me on the other side, we were cracking up! I’m shocked she didn’t see it or that no one caught it. I was flattered of course!”

... apparently I was in a US magazine as ‘where are they now?’ A picture of Shawn Weatherly as she was on a season of Baywatch and me on the other side ...

Whilst there are deals in the offing for Europe and Japan, Jaime will be responsible for her own album in North America, something she’s having to think hard about when it comes to promotion.

“It’s hard to separate out USA/North America in the digital world; I’m not sure how that works anymore but I intend to sell CD’s, with signed photographs – my merch is killer! A beautiful friend, Shar Miller, put this together for me. The logo is fun and stately: hats and t-shirts. They are so fun. When I wear my hat or t-shirt, I always get noticed and people want to know where they can get what I’m wearing. They will be for sale on my website”

Jaime is also involved in charity work, supporting a cause called ‘The Store’ that Brad Paisley (Country superstar) and his wife Kimberly Williams Paisley (actress) started during Covid. After agreeing to work as one of the hosts, she inadvertently got listed as playing at this big live event in support, and after initially thinking, “Wait, what?!!!!” she decided it was just too good an opportunity to pass up and has now embraced it. As she explains:

“I’m one of the hosts for a friend’s fundraiser. It’s a wonderful charity that lets people who have fallen on hard times shop for their own groceries. Instead of just giving people food that they might not like, might be allergic too or would never eat, they get to shop for what they like and need, free for a year. ‘The Store’ has fresh produce from farms nearby and many healthy items to choose from. We enlisted Pablo Cruise to play the event and a few new acts that are up and coming. It’s being held at Belmont’s ‘The Fisher Center’ which is touted as ‘one of the best sounding rooms the world’. It’s reminiscent of the Vienna opera house. This is a high-profile private event to celebrate ‘The Store’ and to find new friends and raise money. A celebration!”

“I really didn’t know I was playing, I just thought I was co-hosting so when I saw the invitation I was initially very confused. I didn’t know if I could host and play. After thinking about it, I thought I would be really sorry if I didn’t play, so I said, ‘Yes’. So, here we go! It should be a lot of fun. Brad and Kimberly are friends with many people who are at the top of their fields; be it tech, entrepreneurs, celebrities, world renowned architects and so on. It feels good to help out. These people were so impressive during Covid. Musicians couldn’t work and couldn’t get government help in time to feed themselves, so ‘The Store’ really came through in a beautiful way. Check it out.”

When we spoke with Jaime a year ago, before her album got delayed, she had just signed a touring deal with a UK agent. Now with her album imminent, we’d hope that would increase the opportunities of finally getting her back over to the UK and Europe for some live shows, a sentiment she fully agrees with:

“Yes, I’m still with On Point Touring, Martin Jarvis. We’ve been waiting for the record to be finished and now it is Martin will be all over it. I plan on coming over no matter what!” [Laughs].

My merch is killer! A beautiful friend, Shar Miller, put this together for me. The logo is fun and stately: hats and t-shirts. They are so fun.

Interview by Bruce Mee





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Bruce Mee
Bruce Mee
Jul 17, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Jaime is a 100% true and natural talent whose songs and invariably brilliant. She so deserves much more success on the world stage! Hope to see her live in the UK soon!!



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